We hold, on a regular basis, weekly seminars every Wednesday at 1:00pm. The format of the meetings, which typically take place in the 2nd floor seminar room of the Physics Bldg, is rather informal and it ranges from open discussions to presentations by members of the group or visitors. If you are interested to lead one of these meetings or give a seminar with your recent results, or you would simply like to visit us, please contact Dr. Carolina Casadio or Dr. Tanio Diaz Santos.
- Speaker :Dr. Jorge Otero-Santos (INFN - Padova, (Italy) )Location :OnlineDate :Time :
- Speaker :Prof. Guiseppe Puglisi (University of Catania, (Italy) )Location :OnlineDate :Time :
- Speaker :Dr. Konstantinos Migkas (Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands)Location :3rd floor seminar room - IA-FORTH & Dept. of Physics ColloquiumDate :Time :
- Speaker :Dr. Roland Walter (University of Geneva, Switzerland)Location :3rd floor seminar room - IA-FORTH & Dept. of Physics ColloquiumDate :Time :
Past Seminars
] - Dr. Antonio Pensabene - "Illuminating the assembly of early massive galaxies and their supermassive black holes within their…"
] - Dr. Christos Panagiotou - "The study of Supermassive Black Holes: From correlated variability to mid-IR transients " - Video
] - Dr. Paolo Bonfini - "Careers for astronomers outside academia: Research in corporate environment" - Video
] - Dr. Stefano Covino - "VSTPOL: A polarimetric add-on for the VLT Survey Telescope" - Video
] - Dr. Yenifer Angarita Arenas - "Galactic magnetic field tomography in the spiral arms using optical and near-infrared starlight…" - Video
] - Dr. Dimitris Souropanis - "Impact of binaries on core collapse supernovae in different metallicity environments" - Video
] - Dr. Alejandro Mus Mejías - "Multiobjective Optimization for Full-Stokes Dynamic Imaging and Scattering Mitigation in VLBI" - Video
] - Dr. Gabriele Bruni - "The GRACE project: High-energy giant radio galaxies and their duty cycle " - Video
] - Dr. Ioannis Liodakis - "X-ray polarimetry: a new window to the Universe"
] - Dr Ethan Partington - "Connecting the X-ray and UV Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei with NICER " - Video
] - Dr Pratik Dabhade - "From unveiling Giant Radio Galaxies to harnessing them as astrophysical probes " - Video
] - Dr. Karl Schuster - "Advanced Millimetre Wave Astronomy, IRAMs Approach and Science Focus"
] - Prof. David Spergel - "2024 N. Kylafis Lecture - The Current State of Cosmology" - Video
] - Prof. Lex Kaper - "The impact of OB runaway stars on the dynamical and chemical evolution of the Galaxy " - Video
] - Prof. Lukasz Wyrzykowski - "Studying the hidden population of black holes in the Milky Way with Gaia" - Video
] - Dr. Fabrizio Nicastro - "High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy as a powerful tool of diagnostics of the hot and energetic…" - Video
] - Dr. Konstantinos Migkas - "Probing cosmic isotropy with galaxy clusters: current results and what the future holds" - Video
] - Dr. Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro - "Cosmology in the machine learning era" - Video
] - Dr. Emmanuel Bertin - "Next-Gen Skywatching: Integrating wide-field video Imaging with Deep Learning in Astronomy" - Video
] - Dr. Minas Karamanis - "Preconditioned Monte Carlo: A Geometric Approach for Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in…" - Video
] - Dr. Eirini Batziou - "The Long-time Evolution of Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs to Neutron Stars" - Video
] - Dr. Sebastian Kiehlmann - "Compact Symmetric Objects: the complete life-cycle of jetted Tidal Disruption Events? " - Video
] - Mr. Gonzalo Munoz Sanchez - "Episodic mass loss in two evolved Red Supergiants in the LMC" - Video
] - Prof. Dan D'Orazio - "Accretion onto Supermassive Black Hole Binaries" - Video
] - Prof. Manos Chatzopoulos - "Entrepreneurship for Astronomers... " - Video
] - Dr. Jeff van Cleve - "Saturn and Uranus Science for a 22nd Century 3He-d Fusion Economy" - Video
] - Prof. Marek Kowalski - "Realtime multimessenger astronomy with IceCube, ZTF & ULTRASAT "
] - Dr. George Valogiannis - "Going beyond the power spectrum: an analysis of BOSS galaxy data with wavelet scattering transforms" - Video
] - Dr. Pavel Mancera Piña - "The extreme dark matter haloes of gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: A challenge to CDM? " - Video
] - Dr. Malgorzata Siudek - "Unveiling the Cosmic Tapestry of DESI galaxies through a machine learning approach" - Video
] - Mr. Nick Loudas - "Understanding the cyclotron-line formation in accreting-magnetic neutron stars via relativistic…" - Video
] - Dr. Vishal Gajjar - "A New-era in search for technologically advanced life in the Universe " - Video
] - Dr Andrei Lobanov - "Broadband radiometric experiments for direct dark matter detection in the radio to sub-millimetre…" - Video
] - Dr. Athanasia Gkogkou - "Intensity mapping from 2D to 3D : Evaluating the feasibility of interpreting upcoming data " - Video
] - Dr. John Antoniadis - "Past present and future of low-frequency gravitational wave astronomy "
] - Dr. Beatriz Agis-Gonzalez - "A polarimetric approach to probe the relation between Tidal Disruption Events and Quasi-Periodic…" - Video
] - Prof. Dionysis Antypas - "Laboratory searches for ultralight dark matter" - Video
] - Dr. Jed McKinney - "Into the Dark: The Role of Dust in Shaping Galaxy Evolution" - Video
] - Prof. Jae-Young Kim - "Understanding the accretion and outflow of jetted AGNs from multiple perspectives" - Video
] - Prof. Jeff Hodgson - "Cosmological QUOKKAS - Quasar Observations on the KVN from Korea to Australia and South Africa" - Video
] - Prof. Manos Chatzopoulos - "Stellar Alchemy and Light: 3D Mergers and the Next Frontier in Radiative Transfer Simulations"
] - Dr. Kohta Murase - "Multimessenger View of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrino Sources " - Video
] - Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Lopez - "Characterizing the interstellar medium conditions of low mass, low metallicity star-forming…" - Video
] - Prof. Gerry Gilmore & Dr. Gudrun Tausch-Pebody - "Early light-bending tests of General Relativity" - Video
] - Dr. Chiara Stuardi - "Radio relics in galaxy clusters: enormous pieces of evidence of clusters' magnetic fields" - Video
] - Dr. Valentina Missaglia - "A panchromatic view of RL AGN and their environment" - Video
] - Dr. Elias Kammoun - "Probing the corona-accretion disc connection in AGN" - Video
] - Dr. Michael Janssen - "New frontiers in astronomy at extreme angular resolutions" - Video
] - Ms. Namita Uppal - "Probing the Galactic disk structures using red clump stars and interstellar dust" - Video
] - Prof. Maurizio Paolillo - "Opening the time domain for Supermassive Black Hole studies across the Universe" - Video
] - Prof. Steven Balbus - "Understanding black holes from stars destroyed by tidal forces." - Video
] - Dr. Hendrik Müller - "New perspectives on VLBI imaging with forward modelling methods" - Video
] - Dr. Maria Charisi - "Frontiers of multi-messenger astrophysics with pulsar timing arrays"
] - Dr. Raniere De Menezes - "How the dynamical properties of globular clusters impact their γ-ray and X-ray emission" - Video
] - Ms. Konstantina Dachlythra - "Beam modeling for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) telescopes "
] - Prof. Shashikiran Ganesh - "Polarimetry of solar system bodies from PRL facilities" - Video
] - Prof. Stéphane Mallat - "From deep network mysteries to physics"
] - Dr. Philipp Frank - "Signal reconstruction for fields using probabilistic forward modeling" - Video
] - Dr. Luca Tornatore - "What HPC means in Astrophysics and how to love it"
] - Dr. John Antoniadis - "Introduction to ARGOS" - Video
] - Prof. Michael Elad - "Image Denoising - Not What You Think"
] - Dr. Tanio Diaz Santos - "The Interstellar Medium of the Most Luminous Galaxies, Near and Far" - Video
] - Dr. Konstantina Boutsia - "AGN contribution to reionisation and the QUBRICS survey " - Video
] - Dr. Lucie Baumont - "Galaxy Cluster Cosmology with fgas " - Video
] - Dr. Maria Kopsacheili - "Study of Supernova Remnants in NGC 7793 using IFU data." - Video
] - Dr. Stefano Camera - "Synergies across the spectrum for cosmology and astroparticle physics" - Video
] - Dr. Paola Andreani - "The extreme state of the circumgalactic medium gas in a low-redshift and in a high-redshift galaxy…" - Video
] - Dr. Lea Marcotulli - "The most powerful persistent jets through cosmic time " - Video
] - Dr. Frédéric Marin - "An X-ray polarimetric investigation of active galactic nuclei" - Video
] - Dr. Vivian U - "New Insights on Multiphase Feedback in Galaxy Mergers from JWST" - Video
] - Dr. Alexander Plavin - "Neutrino-emitting blazars probed by high-resolution and high-energy observations " - Video
] - Dr. Theo Bitsakis - "Careers for astronomers outside academia" - Video
] - Dr. Nuria Torres Alba - "X-raying the Torus: A multi-epoch study of obscuration in nearby AGN" - Video
] - Dr. Alessandro Paggi - "Blazars, Beams & Beyond" - Video
] - Prof. Kleomenis Tsiganis - "Chaotic sculpting of our solar system"
] - Dr. Frédéric Galliano - "Recent advances on interstellar dust in nearby galaxies" - Video
] - Dr. Stéphane Basa - "Gamma Ray Bursts and the SVOM space mission" - Video
] - Dr. Elias Koulouridis - "Properties and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters" - Video
] - Dr. Johan Knapen - "Uncovering galaxy history through deep imaging and machine learning" - Video
] - Dr. George Mountrichas - "The co-evolution of AGN and their host galaxies" - Video
] - Dr. Daniel Gilman - "Revealing the nature of dark matter with strong gravitational lensing" - Video
] - Prof. Haibo Yu - "Astrophysical Signals of strong dark matter self-interactions " - Video
] - Dr. Caterina Tiburzi - "Pulsars probe the low-frequency gravitational sky: Pulsar Timing Arrays" - Video
] - Prof. Achilleas Porfyriadis - "Critical Emission from a High-Spin Black Hole" - Video
] - Dr. Ben Hastings - "The formation mechanisms of classical Be stars" - Video
] - Prof. Vasiliki Pavlidou - "New Physics in the Cosmos"
] - Dr. Annalisa Pillepich - "Constraining quenching mechanisms via observations and simulations of the gas around galaxies" - Video
] - Prof. Konstantinos Tassis - "PASIPHAE: A tomographic map of the galactic magnetic field clears the path to Inflation"
] - Dr. Markos Trichas - "Careers for astronomers outside academia"
] - Dr. Stella Boula - "The many faces of cosmic accelerators: from blazars to galaxy clusters" - Video
] - Dr. Eva Laplace - "How binary evolution affects the late evolution, death, and afterlife of massive stars" - Video
] - Dr. Ciro Pinto - "The ULX state: when an X-ray binary is on steroids" - Video
] - Dr. Ramandeep Gill - "Ultra-relativistic jets in gamma-ray bursts" - Video
] - Prof. Amanda Weinstein - "The ANNIE experiment: Highlights and Prospects"
] - Dr. María Sánchez-García - "Star formation relations in luminous infrared galaxies" - Video
] - Dr. Felix Poetzl - "New perspectives of VLBI on observing jets in active galactic nuclei" - Video
] - Dr. Fabrizio Nicastro - "A large Amount of Hot Gas Permeates the Halos of Local Galaxies" - Video
] - Dr. Marilyn Cruces - "Unveiling the progenitor of Fast Radio Bursts and the potential of ARGOS" - Video
] - Dr. Lauren Rhodes - "Synchrotron afterglows of very high energy gamma-ray bursts" - Video
] - Prof. Apostolos Mastichiadis - "Blazars: A Lab for High Energy Astrophysics"
] - Dr. Tatiana Pavlidou - "(Low-Mass) Star Formation in the Perseus complex" - Video
] - Prof. Peter Wilkinson - "Is there an isotropic radio background in addition to the CMBR?" - Video
] - Prof. Françoise Combes - "2022 Kylafis Lecture: When black holes impact galaxies" - Video
] - Prof. Lijing Shao - "Testing gravity with radio pulsars" - Video
] - Prof. Johnathan Tan - "A Light in the Dark - Massive Star Birth Through Cosmic Time"
] - Prof. Gerhard Haerendel - "TBD"
] - Dr. Mehrnoosh Tahani - "Novel Techniques: Probing the 3D Magnetic Fields of Molecular Clouds" - Video
] - Dr. Marilyn Cruces - "Unveiling the progenitor of Fast Radio Bursts and the potential of ARGOS" - Video
] - Dr. Divya Rawat - "Identification of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations of GRS 1915+105, MAXI J1535-571, and H1743-322 as…" - Video
] - Dr. Gururaj Wagle - "Modelling interacting supernova spectra with SuperLite" - Video
] - Dr. Sagiv Shiber - "Simulating stellar mergers with the hydrodynamic code Octo-Tiger"
] - Dr. Roberto Decarli - "Let the games begin: Black holes populate the early Universe"
] - Prof. Manos Chatzopoulos - "Unlocking the Properties of Interaction-Powered Supernovae with Detailed Line Profile Modeling" - Video
] - Dr. Gerd Baumgarten - "Noctilucent clouds at the edge of space" - Video
] - Prof. Roger Davies - "Galaxy evolution - what have we learned from recent surveys?" - Video
] - Dr. Tomaso Belloni - "Fast X-ray variability and General Relativity in X-ray binaries" - Video
] - Dr. Jean-Luc Starck - "Astrostatistics: From Wavelets to Deep Learning" - Video
] - Prof. Maria Petropoulou - "Hadronic models of high-energy radiation from AGN jets" - Video
] - Dr Sebastian Kiehlmann - "The Unanticipated Phenomenology of the Blazar PKS 2131-021: A Unique Supermassive Black Hole Binary…" - Video
] - Dr. Joseph Masiero - "Polarimetry of Asteroids in the Near-Infrared" - Video
] - Dr Dmitry Blinov - "The RoboPol Program: Optical Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars" - Video
] - Dr. Zaharias Roupas - "Statistical mechanics of gravity and gravitational-wave emission by binary black hole mergers…" - Video
] - Dr. Carolina Casadio - "Search for MIlli-LEnses (SMILE) to discriminate between dark matter models" - Video
] - Dr. Georgios Dimitriadis - "The Extremes of Thermonuclear Supernovae: The case of the "Super-Chandrasekhar" Type Ia…" - Video
] - Dr. Renske Smit - "An ALMA view of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization" - Video
] - Dr. Nanda Rea - "Magnetic explosions in different neutron star classes" - Video
] - Dr. Seiji Fujimoto - "Exploring the Cold Universe: From Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei, Interstellar to Circumgalactic…" - Video
] - Dr. Antonis Georgakakis - "Constraining the Black-Hole Mass vs Stellar Mass relation of AGN via their X-ray variability"
] - Dr Carolina Casadio - "Search for MIlli-LEnses (SMILE) to discriminate between dark matter models - POSTPONED"
] - Dr. Rene Breton - "Spider Binary Pulsars and Extreme Physics" - Video
] - Dr. Pere Blay - "High-energy astrophysics instrumentation and data analysis methods"
] - Dr. Pere Blay - "Polarimetric observations of X-ray binaries"
] - Dr. Pere Blay - "Multimessenger and multi wavelength observations of high-energy sources"
] - Dr Michalis Kourniotis - "Disruption of molecular clouds by the feedback from massive stars" - Video
] - Prof. Aris Karastergiou - "The thousand pulsar array project on MeerKAT" - Video
] - Dr. Georgios Pappas - "Using light rings and photon-spheres to tell apart Kerr from non-Kerr spacetimes." - Video
] - Dr. Denise Lanzieri - "Forecasting the power of Higher Order Weak Lensing Statistics" - Video
] - Prof. Ewine van Dishoeck - "Building stars, planets and the ingredients for life in space" - Video
] - Prof. Tim de Zeeuw - "A MUSE on Mount Olympos: Deciphering the formation history of nearby galaxies with integral-field…" - Video
] - Dr Nikolaos Karnesis - "Laser Interferometer Space Antenna: Detecting Gravitational waves from space"
] - Dr Susmita Adhikari - "The universe from the point of view of the Dark Matter Halo" - Video
] - Dr. Evangelia Athanassoula - "Formation and evolution of structures in disc galaxies" - Video
] - Dr. Theodoros Anagnos - "Harnessing astrophotonics for more efficient spectroscopic measurements" - Video
] - Angelos Karakonstantakis - "Study of long term X-ray time lags in AGN"
] - Dr. Jean-Luc Starck - "Inverse Problems: From Sparsity to Machine Learning"
] - Prof. Joseph Silk - "The Future of Cosmology" - Video
] - Dr. Alejandro Vigna Gomez - "Massive Stellar Triples Leading to Sequential Binary Black-Hole Mergers in the Field" - Video
] - Dr. Nicolas R. Caballero - "Hunting gravitational waves for 25 years with European Pulsar Timing Array data"
] - Prof. Matthew Kunz - "Self-defeating Alfvén waves and self-sustaining sound in collisionless plasma (or, how to reduce…" - Video
] - Dr. Nicholas Roy MacDonald - "Nature’s Death Stars: A Discussion of Supermassive Black Holes, Relativistic Jets, and The Event…" - Video
] - Dr. Yiannis Tsapras - "Exoplanets: A historical perspective and prospects for the future." - Video
] - Dr. Chiara Mazzucchelli - "Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization: Properties and Environment" - Video
] - Dr. Guy Perrin - "Exploration of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center with GRAVITY" - Video
] - Dr. Myrto Symeonidis - "AGN and star-formation across cosmic time"
] - Mr. Navin Sridhar - "Periodic Fast Radio Bursts from X-ray binaries" - Video
] - Prof. Theocharis Apostolatos - "Could we recognize a pure relativistic black hole from gravitational wave signals?" - Video
] - Dr Ioannis Liodakis - "Supermassive black hole jets through polarized eyes " - Video
] - Dr. Enrique Rodriguez Lopez - "Extragalactic magnetism using far-infrared polarimetry" - Video
] - Dr. Silvia Spezzano - "Chemical complexity at the dawn of star formation" - Video
] - Dr. Nicolas Prantzos - "History of Nuclear Astrophysics: The origin of the elements in the Universe" - Video
] - Dr. Nicolas Prantzos - "History of Nuclear Astrophysics: The energy of the Sun and the stars" - Video
] - Dr. Angelos Tsiaras - "Population studies of exoplanets in the 2020’s: Expanding planetary science beyond the Solar System" - Video
] - Dr. Bia Boccardi - "A high-resolution view of the faint cores in nearby radio galaxies" - Video
] - Mr. Dimitris Tanoglidis - "Shadows in the Dark: Illuminating the Low-Surface-Brightness universe with galaxy surveys and AI" - Video
] - Dr. Thalia Traianou - "In the vicinity of the central engine: Localizing the γ-ray emitting region in the blazar TXS 2013+…" - Video
] - Dr. Irene Shivaei - "Distant Dusty Universe" - Video
] - Dr. David Ramon Aguilera Dena - "The origin of hydrogen and helium deficient transients" - Video
] - Dr. Kristen Dage - "Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources in Extragalactic Globular Clusters" - Video
] - Dr. Danai Antonopoulou - "Superfluidity inside neutron stars and its effect on pulsar rotation" - Video
] - Dr. Vincent Pelgrims - "Burning the haystack to get the needle" - Video
] - Dr. Michalis Agathos - "Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Wave Detections" - Video
] - Dr. Francesca Fragkoudi - "Barred galaxies in ΛCDM: Clues on the formation history and dark matter content of Milky Way-type…" - Video
] - Dr. Foteini Lykou - "The power of interferometry: finding disks in evolved stars" - Video
] - Dr. Manos Zapartas - "The end fate of massive stars in binary systems" - Video
] - Dr. George Vasilopoulos - "Temporal studies of accreting highly magnetized Neutron stars: a venture towards probing super-…" - Video
] - Prof. Katerina Chatziioannou - "Studying neutron stars with gravitational waves" - Video
] - Dr. Georges Kordopatis - "Chemodynamical properties of Retrograde stars in the Milky Way" - Video
] - Mr. Konstantinos Migkas - "Probing local isotropy with cluster scaling relations" - Video
] - Dr. Evangelia Tremou - "The transient sky through the radio window" - Video
] - Prof. Snezana Stanimirovic - "New perspectives on the neutral interstellar medium: from the Milky Way to nearby galaxies" - Video
] - Prof. Paul Kalas - "Observing the early dynamical evolution of exoplanetary systems" - Video
] - Dr. Filippos Koliopanos - "Accreting compact stars and the evolution of structure in the Universe" - Video
] - Dr. Evgenia Koumpia - "Optical and near-infrared observations of the Fried Egg Nebula; Multiple shell ejections on a 100…" - Video
] - Prof. Henk Spruit - "The formation of (very) slowly rotating stars" - Video
] - Dr. Sotiria Fotopoulou - "Machine learning methods for Active Galactic Nuclei identification" - Video
] - Dr. Flora Stanley - "Implications of AGN feedback on high redshift galaxies " - Video
] - Dr. Maria Charisi - "Searching for supermassive black hole binaries" - Video
] - Prof. Vaso Pavlidou - "A new probe of dark energy" - Video
] - Prof. Françoise Combes - "The dark matter puzzle" - Video
] - Dr. Yannis Zouganelis - "Solar Orbiter: the new mission of Europe to the Sun" - Video
] - Ms. Konstantina Anastasopoulou - "PhD Thesis: Ultra-luminous X-ray sources and X-ray luminosity scaling relations in nearby galaxies"
] - Dr. George Vernardos - "Gravitational lensing in the era of Euclid and LSST : opening new windows into dark matter, dark…"
] - Dr. Vincent Guillet - "Planck Legacy for dust physics + SED of dust polarized emission in molecular regions as seen by…"
] - Prof. Nektarios Vlahakis - "Cosmic jets: their dynamics and the role of the magnetic field"
] - Prof. Rashid Sunyaev - "Two ways to detect very hot plasma in the clusters of galaxies" - Video
] - Prof. Rashid Sunyaev - "Two milestones in the life of the Universe: the last scattering surface and the black body…" - Video
] - Dr. Jason Spyromilio - "Infrared spectroscopy of Supernovae"
] - Prof. Asaf Pe'er - "Relativistic Jets formation: theory and numerical models"
] - Prof. Asaf Pe'er - "Gamma‐ray bursts: breakthroughs and challenges"
] - Dr. Alkistis Pourtsidou - "Cosmology with the world’s leading dark energy experiments"
] - Δρ. Hans Zinnecker - "Airborne Infrared Astronomy with SOFIA"
] - Dr. Alkistis Pourtsidou - "Insights from 21cm cosmology: theory, simulations, and pathfinder data analysis"
] - Dr. Torsten Ensslin - "Information field theory: turning data into images"
] - Dr. John Antoniadis - "Type Ia Supernovae from non-accreting stars"
] - Dr. Konstantinos Kalapotharakos - "A Pulsar Story"
] - Dr. Jean-Luc Starck - "Compressed Sensing: from Cosmology to Magnetic Resonance Imaging" - Video
] - Prof. Manos Chatzopoulos - "The Dawn of the Era of High-Cadence and Big-Data Transient Astrophysics" - Video
] - Prof. Telemachos Ch. Mouschovias - "Some Myths and Reality on Magnetic Fields and Star Formation"
] - Dr. Kalliopi Petraki - "Dark matter: canonical paradigms and beyond"
] - Dr. Kalliopi Petraki - "Bound states in dark matter phenomenology"
] - Prof. Dimitrios Giannios - "The journey of relativistic astrophysical jets"
] - Prof. Georgios Magdis - "Galaxy Evolution; From Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Dusk" - Video
] - Dr. Vibor Jelic - "Mysterious structures in our Galaxy obscuring the view towards the first stars in the Universe"
] - Δρ. Hanae Inami - "The AKARI 2.5-5um Spectra of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies"
] - Dr. Costis Gontikakis - "Study of the solar corona and transition region through Extreme Ultraviolet spectroscopy" - Video
] - Prof. Michael Kramer - "Testing general relativity with radio astronomy"
] - Δρ. Busaba Kramer - "Astrophysical Masers as Tools to Study Massive Star-forming Regions"
] - Δρ. Francois Boulanger - "The astrophysics of the magnetized dusty interstellar medium with Planck"
] - Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas - "GMRT observations and AGN feedback implications of brightest group galaxies in the local Universe"
] - Dr. Evanthia Hatziminaoglou - "On the multiplicity of optically bright quasars with the ALMA Compact Array"
] - Prof. Anna Sajina - "The role of environment in galaxy evolution as seen from the SERVS/DeepDrill survey"
] - Δρ. Paolo Bonfini - "From the centers to the outskirts of massive early-type galaxies"
] - Dr. Thomas Bisbas - "Cosmic-ray induced destruction of CO in star-forming galaxies and implications for tracing H2 gas"
] - Δρ. Carolina Casadio - "Revealing gamma-ray emitting regions in blazar jets with multi-wavelength studies and high-…"
] - Dr. Wolf von Klitzing - "Matterwave Interferometry meets Astronomy"
] - Prof. Vasiliki Pavlidou - "PHAESTOS: Using Galactic magnetic tomography to trace the origin of the highest-energy particles in…"
] - Prof. Maurizio Paollilo - "Searching for AGN in the COSMOS and CDFS region: optical variability in the COSMOS and CDFS regions"
] - Prof. Anthony C. Readhead - "Monitoring Powerful Exgtragalactic Radio Sources - Past, Present, and Future."
] - Dr. Stavros Akras - "The golden era of machine learning and big data in astrophysics"
] - Dr. Matteo Guainazzi - "Blowing in the wind: studying AGN feedback through X-ray spectroscopy of nuclear winds"
] - Δρ. Gulab Dewangan - "Multi-wavelength observations with AstroSat"
] - κ. Βασιλική Δασκαλοπούλου - "The impact of triboelectrification on desert dust flow dynamics: can astronomical polarimetry…"
] - κ. Μιχάλης Κοττάς - "Polarimetric LiDAR for desert dust characterization"
] - Dr. David Elbaz - "Are galaxies self-centered or social beings"
] - Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki - "FR-type radio sources in COSMOS: relation to accretion mode and environment"
] - Prof. Andreas Zezas - "The hard X-ray view of galaxies"
] - Prof. Nick Kylafis - "Pulsars and Magnetars: facts and possible fiction"
] - Dr. Ioanna Leonidaki - "Probing the properties of extragalactic Supernova Remnants"
] - Dr. Stephen Williams - "Travels With Steve"
] - καθ. Stephen Potter - "Observing optical polarimetric variability from BLAZARS to CVs"
] - Dr. Fabrizio Nicastro - "All the X-ray Colors of the Milky Way Baryons"
] - Prof. Kostas Tassis - "PASIPHAE: Clearing the path to inflationary B-modes through optopolarimetric magnetic tomography"