
Διοργανώνουμε εβδομαδιαία σεμινάρια αστροφυσικής κάθε Τετάρτη στις 13:00, στην αίθουσα σεμιναρίων 2ου ορόφου του Τμήματος Φυσικής. Η μορφή των συναντήσεων μπορεί να είναι  και ανεπίσημη με τη μορφή ανοιχτών συζητήσεων ή παρουσιάσεις των μελών της ομάδας ή των επισκεπτών μας. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε να δώσετε ένα σεμινάριο με τα πρόσφατα αποτελέσματα της έρευνάς σας ή απλώς θέλετε να μας επισκεφθείτε, επικοινωνήστε με την Δρ. Carolina Casadio ή τον Δρ. Tanio Diaz Santos.

Ολοκληρωμένα Σεμινάρια

[ ] - Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μίγκας - "Probing cosmic isotropy with galaxy clusters: current results and what the future holds" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro - "Cosmology in the machine learning era" - Video
[ ] - κ. Gonzalo Munoz Sanchez - "Episodic mass loss in two evolved Red Supergiants in the LMC" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Dan D'Orazio - "Accretion onto Supermassive Black Hole Binaries" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Μάνος Χατζόπουλος - "Entrepreneurship for Astronomers... " - Video
[ ] - Καθ. Marek Kowalski - "Realtime multimessenger astronomy with IceCube, ZTF & ULTRASAT "
[ ] - Δρ. Ιωάννης Αντωνιάδης - "Past present and future of low-frequency gravitational wave astronomy "
[ ] - καθ. Διονύσιος Αντύπας - "Laboratory searches for ultralight dark matter" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Μάνος Χατζόπουλος - "Stellar Alchemy and Light: 3D Mergers and the Next Frontier in Radiative Transfer Simulations"
[ ] - καθ. Gerry Gilmore & Δρ. Gudrun Tausch-Pebody - "Early light-bending tests of General Relativity" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Valentina Missaglia - "A panchromatic view of RL AGN and their environment" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Elias Kammoun - "Probing the corona-accretion disc connection in AGN" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Michael Janssen - "New frontiers in astronomy at extreme angular resolutions" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Μαρία Χαρίση - "Frontiers of multi-messenger astrophysics with pulsar timing arrays"
[ ] - Ms. Konstantina Dachlythra - "Beam modeling for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) telescopes "
[ ] - καθ. Shashikiran Ganesh - "Polarimetry of solar system bodies from PRL facilities" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Stéphane Mallat - "From deep network mysteries to physics"
[ ] - Δρ. Luca Tornatore - "What HPC means in Astrophysics and how to love it"
[ ] - Δρ. Γιάννης Αντωνιάδης - "Introduction to ARGOS" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Michael Elad - "Image Denoising - Not What You Think"
[ ] - Δρ. Κωνσταντίνα Μπούτσια - "AGN contribution to reionisation and the QUBRICS survey " - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Lucie Baumont - "Galaxy Cluster Cosmology with fgas " - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Μαρία Κοψαχείλη - "Study of Supernova Remnants in NGC 7793 using IFU data." - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Lea Marcotulli - "The most powerful persistent jets through cosmic time " - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Frédéric Marin - "An X-ray polarimetric investigation of active galactic nuclei" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Θοδωρής Μπιτσάκης - "Careers for astronomers outside academia" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Alessandro Paggi - "Blazars, Beams & Beyond" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Κλεομένης Τσιγάνης - "Chaotic sculpting of our solar system"
[ ] - Δρ. Frédéric Galliano - "Recent advances on interstellar dust in nearby galaxies" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Stéphane Basa - "Gamma Ray Bursts and the SVOM space mission" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ηλίας Κουλουρίδης - "Properties and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Γιώργος Μούντριχας - "The co-evolution of AGN and their host galaxies" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Αχιλλέας Πορφυριάδης - "Critical Emission from a High-Spin Black Hole" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ben Hastings - "The formation mechanisms of classical Be stars" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Βασιλική Παυλίδου - "New Physics in the Cosmos"
[ ] - καθ. Κωνσταντίνος Τάσσης - "PASIPHAE: A tomographic map of the galactic magnetic field clears the path to Inflation"
[ ] - Δρ. Μάρκος Τριχάς - "Careers for astronomers outside academia"
[ ] - Δρ. Στέλλα Μπούλα - "The many faces of cosmic accelerators: from blazars to galaxy clusters" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ciro Pinto - "The ULX state: when an X-ray binary is on steroids" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ramandeep Gill - "Ultra-relativistic jets in gamma-ray bursts" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Amanda Weinstein - "The ANNIE experiment: Highlights and Prospects"
[ ] - Δρ. María Sánchez-García - "Star formation relations in luminous infrared galaxies" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Fabrizio Nicastro - "A large Amount of Hot Gas Permeates the Halos of Local Galaxies" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Απόστολος Μαστιχιάδης - "Blazars: A Lab for High Energy Astrophysics"
[ ] - Δρ. Tatiana Pavlidou - "(Low-Mass) Star Formation in the Perseus complex" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Peter Wilkinson - "Is there an isotropic radio background in addition to the CMBR?" - Video
[ ] - Καθηγήτρια Françoise Combes - "2022 Kylafis Lecture: When black holes impact galaxies" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Lijing Shao - "Testing gravity with radio pulsars" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Johnathan Tan - "A Light in the Dark - Massive Star Birth Through Cosmic Time"
[ ] - καθ. Gerhard Haerendel - "TBD"
[ ] - Δρ. Gururaj Wagle - "Modelling interacting supernova spectra with SuperLite" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Sagiv Shiber - "Simulating stellar mergers with the hydrodynamic code Octo-Tiger"
[ ] - Δρ. Roberto Decarli - "Let the games begin: Black holes populate the early Universe"
[ ] - Δρ. Gerd Baumgarten - "Noctilucent clouds at the edge of space" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Jean-Luc Starck - "Astrostatistics: From Wavelets to Deep Learning" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Μαρία Πετροπούλου - "Hadronic models of high-energy radiation from AGN jets" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Joseph Masiero - "Polarimetry of Asteroids in the Near-Infrared" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Γεώργιος Δημητριάδης - "The Extremes of Thermonuclear Supernovae: The case of the "Super-Chandrasekhar" Type Ia…" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Renske Smit - "An ALMA view of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Rene Breton - "Spider Binary Pulsars and Extreme Physics" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Pere Blay - "Polarimetric observations of X-ray binaries"
[ ] - Δρ. Μιχάλης Κουρνιώτης - "Disruption of molecular clouds by the feedback from massive stars" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Άρης Καραστεργίου - "The thousand pulsar array project on MeerKAT" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Ewine van Dishoeck - "Building stars, planets and the ingredients for life in space" - Video
[ ] - Δρ Νικόλαος Καρνέσης - "Laser Interferometer Space Antenna: Detecting Gravitational waves from space"
[ ] - Δρ Susmita Adhikari - "The universe from the point of view of the Dark Matter Halo" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ευαγγελία Αθανασούλα - "Formation and evolution of structures in disc galaxies" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Θεόδωρος Ανάγνος - "Harnessing astrophotonics for more efficient spectroscopic measurements" - Video
[ ] - Άγγελος Καρακωνσταντάκης - "Study of long term X-ray time lags in AGN"
[ ] - Δρ. Jean-Luc Starck - "Inverse Problems: From Sparsity to Machine Learning"
[ ] - καθ. Joseph Silk - "The Future of Cosmology" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Γιάννης Τσάπρας - "Exoplanets: A historical perspective and prospects for the future" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Chiara Mazzucchelli - "Quasars in the Epoch of Reionization: Properties and Environment" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Myrto Symeonidis - "AGN and star-formation across cosmic time"
[ ] - κ. Navin Sridhar - "Periodic Fast Radio Bursts from X-ray binaries" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Θεοχάρης Αποστολάτος - "Could we recognize a pure relativistic black hole from gravitational wave signals?" - Video
[ ] - Δρ Ioannis Liodakis - "Supermassive black hole jets through polarized eyes " - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Enrique Rodriguez Lopez - "Extragalactic magnetism using far-infrared polarimetry" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Silvia Spezzano - "Chemical complexity at the dawn of star formation" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Irene Shivaei - "Distant Dusty Universe" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. David Ramon Aguilera Dena - "The origin of hydrogen and helium deficient transients" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Δανάη Αντωνοπούλου - "Superfluidity inside neutron stars and its effect on pulsar rotation" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Vincent Pelgrims - "Burning the haystack to get the needle" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Μιχάλης Αγάθος - "Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Wave Detections" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Φωτεινή Λύκου - "The power of interferometry: finding disks in evolved stars" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Μάνος Ζαπάρτας - "The end fate of massive stars in binary systems" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Γεώργιος Βασιλόπουλος - "Temporal studies of accreting highly magnetized Neutron stars: a venture towards probing super-…" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Κατερίνα Χατζηιωάννου - "Studying neutron stars with gravitational waves" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Γεώργιος Κορδοπάτης - "Chemodynamical properties of Retrograde stars in the Milky Way" - Video
[ ] - κ. Κωνσταντίνος Μίγκας - "Probing local isotropy with cluster scaling relations" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ευαγγελία Τρέμου - "The transient sky through the radio window" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Φίλιππος Κολιοπάνος - "Accreting compact stars and the evolution of structure in the Universe" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Henk Spruit - "The formation of (very) slowly rotating stars" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Σωτηρία Φωτοπούλου - "Machine learning methods for Active Galactic Nuclei identification" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Φλώρα Στάνλεϋ - "Implications of AGN feedback on high redshift galaxies " - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Μαρία Χαρίση - "Searching for supermassive black hole binaries" - Video
[ ] - Καθ. Βασ. Παυλίδου - "A new probe of dark energy" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Françoise Combes - "The dark matter puzzle" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Ιωάννης Ζουγανέλης - "Solar Orbiter: η νέα αποστολή της Ευρώπης στον Ήλιο" - Video
[ ] - κ. Κωνσταντίνα Αναστασοπούλου - "PhD Thesis: Ultra-luminous X-ray sources and X-ray luminosity scaling relations in nearby galaxies"
[ ] - Δρ. Γεώργιος Βερνάρδος - "Gravitational lensing in the era in the era of Euclid and LSST: opening new windows into dark…"
[ ] - καθ. Νεκτάριος Βλαχάκης - "Cosmic jets: their dynamics and the role of the magnetic field"
[ ] - Δρ. Ιάσων Σπυρομίλιος - "Infrared spectroscopy of Supernovae"
[ ] - καθ. Asaf Pe'er - "Relativistic Jets formation: theory and numerical models"
[ ] - καθ. Asaf Pe'er - "Gamma‐ray bursts: breakthroughs and challenges"
[ ] - Δρ. Άλκηστη Πουρτσίδου - "Cosmology with the world’s leading dark energy experiments"
[ ] - Δρ. Hans Zinnecker - "Airborne Infrared Astronomy with SOFIA"
[ ] - Δρ. Άλκηστη Πουρτσίδου - "Insights from 21cm cosmology: theory, simulations, and pathfinder data analysis"
[ ] - Δρ. Torsten Ensslin - "Information field theory: turning data into images"
[ ] - Δρ. Ιωάννης Αντωνιάδης - "Type Ia Supernovae from non-accreting stars"
[ ] - Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Καλαποθαράκος - "A Pulsar Story"
[ ] - καθ. Μάνος Χατζόπουλος - "The Dawn of the Era of High-Cadence and Big-Data Transient Astrophysics" - Video
[ ] - καθ. Τηλέμαχος Μουσχοβίας - "Some Myths and Reality on Magnetic Fields and Star Formation"
[ ] - Δρ. Καλλιόπη Πετράκη - "Dark matter: canonical paradigms and beyond"
[ ] - Δρ. Καλλιόπη Πετράκη - "Bound states in dark matter phenomenology"
[ ] - καθ. Δημήτριος Γιαννίος - "The journey of relativistic astrophysical jets"
[ ] - καθ. Γεώργιος Μάγδης - "Galaxy Evolution; From Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Dusk" - Video
[ ] - Δρ. Hanae Inami - "The AKARI 2.5-5um Spectra of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies"
[ ] - καθ. Michael Kramer - "Testing general relativity with radio astronomy"
[ ] - Δρ. Francois Boulanger - "The astrophysics of the magnetized dusty interstellar medium with Planck"
[ ] - Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Κολοκυθάς - "GMRT observations and AGN feedback implications of brightest group galaxies in the local Universe"
[ ] - Δρ. Ευανθία Χατζημηνάογλου - "On the multiplicity of optically bright quasars with the ALMA Compact Array"
[ ] - Δρ. Paolo Bonfini - "From the centers to the outskirts of massive early-type galaxies"
[ ] - Δρ. Wolf von Klitzing - "Matterwave Interferometry meets Astronomy"
[ ] - καθ. Anthony C. Readhead - "Monitoring Powerful Exgtragalactic Radio Sources - Past, Present, and Future."
[ ] - Δρ. Σταύρος Άκρας - "The golden era of machine learning and big data in astrophysics"
[ ] - Δρ. Gulab Dewangan - "Multi-wavelength observations with AstroSat"
[ ] - κ. Βασιλική Δασκαλοπούλου - "The impact of triboelectrification on desert dust flow dynamics: can astronomical polarimetry…"
[ ] - κ. Μιχάλης Κοττάς - "Polarimetric LiDAR for desert dust characterization"
[ ] - Δρ. David Elbaz - "Are galaxies self-centered or social beings"
[ ] - Δρ. Ελένη Βαρδουλάκη - "FR-type radio sources in COSMOS: relation to accretion mode and environment"
[ ] - καθ. Ανδρέας Ζέζας - "The hard X-ray view of galaxies"
[ ] - καθ. Νικόλαος Κυλάφης - "Pulsars and Magnetars: facts and possible fiction"
[ ] - Δρ. Ιωάννα Λεονιδάκη - "Probing the properties of extragalactic Supernova Remnants"
[ ] - Δρ. Stephen Williams - "Travels With Steve"
[ ] - καθ. Stephen Potter - "Observing optical polarimetric variability from BLAZARS to CVs"
[ ] - Δρ. Fabrizio Nicastro - "All the X-ray Colors of the Milky Way Baryons"
[ ] - καθ. Κωνσταντίνος Τάσσης - "PASIPHAE: Clearing the path to inflationary B-modes through optopolarimetric magnetic tomography"