Multimessenger View of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrino Sources

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Ομιλητής :  
Δρ. Kohta Murase (Penn State University, ΗΠΑ)
Αίθουσα :  
2nd Floor Seminar Room & Online
Ημερομηνία :  

Ώρα : 

Περίληψη :

The discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos opened a new window of astroparticle physics. Revealing the sources is also relevant for solving the long-standing puzzle about the origin of cosmic rays. I will discuss theoretical implications of the latest results on high-energy neutrino observations, and demonstrate the power of multi-messenger approaches. In particular, I will highlight our recent developments about astrophysical neutrino emission from extragalactic gamma-ray dark sources and the Galactic plane.