Public Outreach

The Institute of Astrophysics organises a number of outreach events in collaboration with public and private stakeholders mostly in Crete, while its members are offering their time giving lectures and participating in various PO activities all over Greece. These are advertised by the press and the social media and more readily in the Facebook page of the Institute. Some past events are also listed at the end this page.

  • Open Days at Skinakas Observatory
    One of the main activities which is taking place since 1996 during the summer months are the open days at Skinakas Observatory. During those days the observatory is open to the public  in order to offer the opportunity to the visitors to become familiar with the wonders of the night sky, as well as be informed on the recent advances in astrophysics and space technology. The people who reach the observatory are introduced to the operation of facility by our staff who also answer general astronomy questions. After sunset and if the weather conditions are good, the visitors are also able to observe the night sky using small telescopes as well as through the 1.3m telescope using an eyepiece.
    Some pictures from past open days are available in the gallery of IA
    More details on the exact dates of the open days for the current year are available in the dedicated section of Skinakas Observatory web page.

  • Upcoming PO Events

    • TBD

  • Past PO Events