A histogram of the total published research work of the Crete astrophysics group, which was part of the Dept. of Physics of the Univ. of Crete and IESL-FORTH and from 2019 has formally become the Institute of Astrophysics, is presented bellow. From 2005 until the end of 2023 the members of the group have published 885 refereed papers and have trained 16 PhD and 41 MSc students.
A list of all refereed papers available in ADS which include authors having the Institute of Astrophysics FORTH in their affiliation is available here. Moreover, the cumulative research work of the 10 permanent members of IA-FORTH, having a median age of 47 years and without including the two emeriti members and affiliated/honorary members, that has been published during their whole career, is shown in the following metrics from NASA/ADS. These include a histogram, as a function of time, of their 1213 publications in refereed journals, as well as a histogram of the ~68,700 citations these papers have received during the same period (Source NASA/ADS - Jan. 1, 2024).