VSTPOL: A polarimetric add-on for the VST (VLT Survey Telescope)

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Ομιλητής :  
Δρ. Stefano Covino (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Ιταλία)
Αίθουσα :  
Ημερομηνία :  

Ώρα : 

Περίληψη :

After a relatively small hardware modification, the VST is becoming the first wide-field polarimetric optical survey telescope, VSTPOL, without affecting the current capabilities of the VST+OmegaCAM system. Scientific cases include: 3D mapping of the magnetic fields of the Milky-Way and Magellanic clouds,
surveys of quasar polarization, polarimetric characterization and mapping of solar-system objects, follow-up of CTA sources and transients, polarisation measurements of bright transients identified by transient factories, such as bright gamma-ray burst afterglows, supernovae, etc.