The Institute of Astrophysics (IA-FORTH) is particularly pleased to announce that Dr. Tanio Diaz Santos, a researcher at IA-FORTH has been awarded a 200kEuro grant from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, entitled "The Extended Interstellar Medium of Extreme Galaxies (XTREME)" to support his group.
The project combines the power of some of the largest ground- and space-based telescopes, to perform a comprehensive multi-wavelength spectroscopic study of the extended, multi-phase gas in LIRGs at two critical spatial scales: kilo-parsecs, with the analysis of mid- and far-IR fine-structure emission lines observed with Spitzer and Herschel; and sub kilo-parsec, with the analysis of individual star-forming regions and giant molecular clouds using ALMA and HST.
The project has been designed to address pressing topics in the field of galaxy evolution and provide a breakthrough in our knowledge of the star formation process. Moreover, XTREME will pave the way for further exploration of the hot dust content and physics of resolved star-forming regions in LIRGs with the JWST telescope (in which Dr. Diaz Tanio is heavily involved with one ERS and 5 GO approved proposals) -- bringing about a holistic view of the current paradigm of galaxy formation and evolution.