
Some science highlights based on this year's research results follow:

The extreme environment of the most luminous obscured galaxy

In the center of most galaxies, gigantic hidden monsters called supermassive black holes live. When gas and dust from the galaxy fall towards them, it starts spinning incredibly fast, forming a very hot disc that often…

A first glimpse at the Galaxy’s magnetic field in 3D

Thanks to new sophisticated techniques and state-of-the-art facilities, Astronomy has entered a new era in which the depth of the sky can finally be accessed. The ingredients of our cosmic home, the Milky Way Galaxy - stars, gas, magnetic…

Sleeping Supermassive Black Holes Awakened Briefly by Shredded Stars: Radio observations of Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) provide new window on black holes

Compact symmetric objects (CSOs) are active galactic nuclei (AGN) from which two jets emanate in opposite directions with an overall projected size <1kpc. These systems have often been understood as young versions of…