
MW-Atlas: The first comprehensive Atlas of the Milky Way

The Milky Way is the cosmic environment in which the solar system, the Earth, and life as we know it came into being. It is also the…

SFERICSS: Stellar Feedback - Explosive, Radiative, Interacting, and Coalescing Stars in their Surroundings

Populations of massive stars enrich, shape and influence the evolution of their surrounding regions through the matter they emit, their ionizing radiation during their life and during their explosive deaths. The…

BOOTES: Black hOle Optical polarization TimE-domain Survey

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) form the most intriguing astrophysical systems offering countless opportunities to…

MMMonsters: The first multi-messenger detection of a supermassive black hole binary

Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) are a natural outcome of galaxy mergers. They can be identified as quasars with periodic variability in time-domain surveys, or from strong gravitational waves (GWs) by Pulsar…

Skinakas Space Telecom & Surveillance Upgrade

Improvements in space technology and lowering costs for launches by private companies (ie SpaceX) has led to a dramatic increase of the…


Astronomy is being transformed by surveys performed with instruments capable of searching the sky for multi-messenger signals with high speed and sensitivity, while delivering science-read datasets to the community.…

The European Pulsar Timing Array

The European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) is a multinational European collaboration whose aim is to increase the precision and quality of pulsar science results by combining the efforts and resources of the various member…

Astronomy Education: LaSciL, D-SPACE, GEOStars

Historically, Astronomy is the first of the natural sciences with a profound impact in the development of new technologies in order to solve practical problems, such as the flow of time, as well as answer fundamental…

XTREME: The Extended Interstellar Medium of Extreme Galaxies

The goal of XTREME, which is funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation is to perform a systematic multi-wavelength…

SMILE: Searching for MIlli-LEnses to discriminate between dark matter models

One of the most compelling mysteries in both cosmology and particle physics is the nature of Dark Matter (DM). We investigate this problem using…

Total-Coverage Ultra-Fast Response to Binary Mergers Observatory

IA-FORTH is a partner of the Total-Coverage Ultra-Fast Response to Binary Mergers Observatory (TURBO). 

The project, which commences in 2022, is funded by NSF (…

European Pulsar Interior Composition Survey

Neutron stars comprise the densest form of matter in the observable Universe. Their mass distribution contains crucial information about the late…


RoboPol is a project aiming to elucidate the time evolution of the polarization of optical emission in blazars. Blazars are active galaxies power by supermassive black holes with relativistic…

Novel Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Astronomical Data

This project, coordinated by Prof. A. Zezas,  has as a goal to bring together the resources of an interdisciplinary collaboration network of leading groups in…

The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey: The era of JWST

The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS), is combining imaging and spectroscopic data from NASA's Spitzer, Hubble, Chandra and GALEX space-borne observatories in a comprehensive study of over 200 of the most…


The PASIPHAE (Polar-Areas Stellar-Imaging in Polarization High-Accuracy Experiment) project is a planned polarization survey of stars at high Galactic latitudes, aiming to clear the path towards the…

Past Projects

MAGNETICGALS: Magnetized galaxies through cosmic time

Knowing the strength and morphology of the galactic magnetic field lies at the heart of virtually all the outstanding problems in galactic astrophysics. If strong enough, the magnetic field can shape the interstellar…

CIRCE: Studying ultra-high-energy cosmic rays

Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays are the most energetic particles known, with the highest-energy event ever observed at 3.2x1020 eV, many orders of magnitude above the energy of protons accelerated at e.g. CERN. Their sources and their…

Galactic SNe Remnants: Exploring an unexploited treasure

The goal of the proposed research, lead by Dr. Ioanna Leonidaki, is to perform a multi-wavelength study of the Galactic Supernova Remnant (SNR) population. SNRs in…

ORIGAMI: The Origin of the Galactic Magnetic Field

Knowing the strength and morphology of the galactic magnetic field lies at the heart of virtually all the outstanding problems in galactic astrophysics. If strong enough, the magnetic field can shape the interstellar medium and determine the rate…

Accreting binary populations in Nearby Galaxies: Observations and Simulations (A-BINGOS)

Accreting binaries are binary stellar systems consisting of a compact object that accretes material from a donor star. The compact object can be either a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole, while the donor star can be either a massive…