The Future of Cosmology

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Ομιλητής :  
καθ. Joseph Silk (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris & Johns Hopkins Univ. & Oxford Univ., Γαλλία)
Αίθουσα :  
Online IA-FORTH & Dept. of Physics Colloquium - N. Kylafis Lecture
Ημερομηνία :  

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Περίληψη :

Διάλεξη Ν. Κυλάφης 2020

One of the greatest challenges in cosmology  is understanding   the origin of the structure of the universe. The cosmic microwave background and large-scale surveys of galaxies have  provided   unique windows for probing  cosmology and its inflationary origin. But where do we go next? Future experiments are planned with the next generation of observatories that will increase the   current precision of cosmological measurements by  an order of magnitude. However  we need  to do far better if there is to be a guaranteed science return that will definitively probe our cosmic origins. I shall argue that the ultimate goal for our future strategy must be astronomy from lunar-based telescopes.