Liodakis Ioannis

Researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics
Associate Researcher

E-mail :
Phone : (+30) 2810 39-4247
Office : 243 Physics Bldg
Education :

Ioannis "Yannis" Liodakis obtained his BSc and his MSc in Physics from the University of Patras in 2012 and 2014 respectively. He completed his PhD in Astrophysics in 2017, from the University of Crete. His thesis was entitled "Unvealing the physics of the most active of galaxies: connecting blazar theory and observations" and it was performed under the supervision of Prof. V. PavlidouHis academic genealogy tree is here.

Career :

After his PhD, he moved to Stanford University and the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) as a Kavli postdoctoral fellow (2017-2020). He became a FINCA  and Gruber fellow at the Finnish Center for Astronomy with ESO, University of Turku (2020-2023), and a NASA postdoctoral fellow at the Marshall Space Flight Center (2023-). In 2023 he was awarded an ERC starting grant entitled "BOOTES: Black hOle Optical polarization TimE-domain Survey" and he will be joining IA-FORTH as a tenured Researcher C in 2024.

Interests :

Supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei, astrophysical jets, blazars, tidal disruption events, multiwavelength polarimetry