Kyvernitaki-Synani Anna


PhD Student
Supervisor : Readhead, Tassis
Period : 2023 - present

E-mail :
Phone : (+30) 2810 39-4169
Office : 105β Physics Bldg
Education :

Anna Kyvernitaki - Synani obtained her BSc in Physics at the University of Crete in 2022 and her MSc in Advanced Physics from the same University in 2023. She commenced her PhD in November 2023.

Career :

For her PhD studies, she is using radio observations to study compact symmetric objects and supermassive black hole binaries. She is also a member of the PASIPHAE Collaboration, working on the mapping of the galactic magnetic field. Her research interests also include cosmological structure formation.

Interests :

Active Galactic Nuclei, Compact Symmetric Objects, Supermassive black hole binaries, Polarimetry, Galactic magnetic field, Cosmological models and structure formation