Charisi Maria

Research Fellow of the Institute of Astrophysics
Assistant Professor of Dept. of Physics and Astronomy , Washington State University (USA)

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Education :

Maria Charisi obtained her BSc in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2011. She then completed her PhD in Astronomy in 2017 at Columbia University in the City of New York under the supervision of Zoltan Haiman.

Career :

Between 2017-2020, she worked as a NANOGrav (North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves) fellow in the TAPIR group at Caltech. From 2020-2023, she was a VIDA (Vanderbilt Initiative for Data-intensive Astrophysics) fellow at Vanderbilt University and subsequently she joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Washington State University as an assistant professor. She is a member of the NANOGrav Collaboration, the International Pulsar Timing Array, the LISA Consortium and the LSST AGN Science Collaboration.
In 2023, she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant and joined IA-FORTH as a research fellow.

Interests :

Supermassive black hole binaries, multi-messenger astrophysics, time-domain and gravitational-wave astrophysics, pulsar timing arrays, big data and machine learning