Antoniadis John

Antoniadis John

Person default image
Visitor of the Institute of Astrophysics
, MPIfR, Germany

E-mail :
Phone : 4219
Office : To be completed
Researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics
Senior Researcher

E-mail :
Phone : (+30) 2810 39-4266
Office : 229γ, Physics Bldg.
FAX : (+30) 2810 39-4201
Education :

Ioannis (John) Antoniadis  obtained his BSc in Physics in 2009 from the University of Thessaloniki and his PhD from the University of Bonn in 2013. His thesis entitled “Multi-wavelength studies of pulsars and their companions” was recognized with the best thesis award of the Univ. of Bonn, as the best thesis in nuclear, atomic and gravitational physics by the German Physics Society, as well as by the Springer Thesis Award. His academic genealogy tree is here.

Career :

After completing his thesis he was a postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy (MPIfR) during 2013-14 before moving to the Univ. of Toronto (Canada) as a Dunlup Fellow. He returned to Bonn as a postdoc at MPIfR until 2019 and then he became a Research Fellow of at MPIfR and the Argelander Institute for Radioastronomy in 2019. In late 2020 he was elected as a tenure track Associate Researcher at the Institute  of Astrophysics - FORTH and formally joined the Institute in early 2021. He obtained tenure and was promoted to Senior Researcher in 2025.

Interests :

Formation and evolution of compact stars, supernovae, binary neutron stars, radio pulsars, tests of fundamental physics, equation-of-state of nuclear matter.