Zapartas Manos

Postdoctoral Researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics
Group of : -

E-mail :
Phone : (+30) 2810-394265
Office : 230β Physics Bldg
Education :

Manos Zapartas was awarded his Degree in Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in July 2012. He completed his PhD thesis in December of 2018 at the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam (NL) under the supervision of Selma de Mink and Alex de Koter, where he also obtained his MSc Degree with Cum Laude (2014). He is originally from Alexandroupolis, Greece.

Career :

In 2019 he moved at the Observatory of Geneva (Switzerland), in the group of Tassos Fragkos, as a postdoc, partially funded from the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. In 2022, he moved at the National Observatory of Athens in the ERC-funded group of Alceste BonanosASSESS. ince Fall 2023, he joined as a Postdoctoral HFRI (ELIDEK) Fellow at the Institute of Astrophysics, - FORTH, as the PI of the SFERICSS project.

Interests :

Stellar evolution, massive stars in binary systems, their late evolutionary stages, core-collapse supernovae, compact remnants, X-ray binaries and merging compact objects. He studies them implementing binary population synthesis, such as POSYDON of which he is a core developer (that is based on grids of detailed MESA binary stellar evolution models), as well as more parametrized ones, such as binary_c.