Diaz-Santos Tanio

Diaz Santos image
Researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics
Senior Researcher

E-mail : tanio@ia.forth.gr
Phone : (+30) 2810 39-4234
Office : 229β Physics Bldg.
Education :

Tanio Diaz Santos obtained his BSc in Physics in 2003 as well as his MSc in 2005 from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). In  2009 he was awarded his PhD in Astrophysics from Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) with a thesis entitled “A Mid-infrared Study of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies”. His academic genealogy tree is here.

Career :

From 2009 until 2011 he was a postdoctoral researcher  at the Dept. of Physics of the Univ. of Crete (Greece) before moving to the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology (USA) as a postdoctoral researcher during 2011-2014. He was an ALMA-CONICYT fellow at the Nucleo de Astronomia, Universidad Diego Portales (Chile) from 2014 until 2019 as well as a CAS-CONICYT Fellow from 2019 until 2020. He was elected at IA-FORTH as Associate Researcher in 2020. He obtained tenure and was promoted to Senior Researcher in 2023.

Interests :

Star formation in galaxies at low and high-z; Nuclear and extended multi-wavelength characterization of starburst and luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) at all spatial scales: from giant molecular clouds and dusty tori to large-scale kpc emission and the circum-galactic medium; Galaxy interactions and mergers, and their evolution with redshift; Interstellar medium and environment in (U)LIRGs and galaxy compact groups ; AGN activity and its connection with star formation processes; Modeling of the spectral energy distributions of star-forming regions, galaxies and AGNs.