Langis Dimitrios Alkinoos

PhD Student
Supervisor : Liodakis
Period : 2024 - present

E-mail :
Office : 106β Physics Bldg
Education :

Dimitrios Alkinoos Langis graduated from the 9th Lyceum of Athens in 2018. In September of the same year, he started his undergraduate studies in the Department of Physics of the University of Crete. He graduated in 2023 and joined the postgraduate program "Advanced Physics" at the University of Crete. In 2024 he completed his MSc degree  and joined the PhD program of the Department of Physics and the Institute of Astrophysics, under the supervision of Dr. Ioannis Liodakis.

Career :

In February of 2023, he started working on his senior thesis under the supervision of Prof. Iossif Papadakis, entitled "UV and optical cross correlation studies of AGN at different time-scales". The objective of his thesis was to quantitatively study the long timescale variations in Active Galactic Nuclei. His MSc degree was also under the supervision of Prof. Papadakis and it was entitled Study of the optical/UV time lags in quasars.

Interests :

Active Galactic Nuclei, Cosmology, Extragalactic Astrophysics, Theoretical Astrophysics