2024 N. Kylafis Lecture - The Current State of Cosmology

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Speaker :  
Prof. David Spergel (Simons Foundation & Princeton University, USA)
Location :  
Amphitheater "G. Lianis" - FORTH
Date :  

Time : 

Abstract :


The universe seems to be remarkably simple and remarkably strange. The LCDM model, our now “standard” cosmology, fits an ever improving set of microwave background data and measurements of large-scale structure, element abundances, and measurements of the expansion history of the universe. While mostly successful, the model implies that baryons and electrons make up only 5% of the energy density of the universe with the mysterious dark matter and even more mysterious dark energy comprises the bulk of the universe.

I will review some of the recent observations with a focus on CMB measurements. I will discuss some of the existing tensions between some of the measurements and this model, the “H0 tension” and the “S8 tension” as well as tests of alternative gravity theories that obviate the need for dark matter.

ZOOM link: https://uoc-gr.zoom.us/j/81841397728?pwd=LMoybqe3CQV37tN7eE9ZB68wUn4jay.1