Reig Pablo

Pablo Reig photo
Researcher of the Institute of Astrophysics
Research Director

E-mail :
Phone : (+30) 2810-394248
Office : 244 Physics Bldg
Education :

Pablo Reig obtained his BSc in Physics from the University of Valencia in 1991 and his PhD in Astrophysics from the same University in 1996. His academic genealogy tree is here.

Career :

Pablo Reig is currently Director of Research (Researcher A) at IA-FORTH. His PhD dissertation was awarded the "Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado" (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) by the University of Valencia. He has worked as a researcher and/or lecturer in the University of Valencia (1991-1996,2002-2004), University of Southampton (1996-1998), University of Crete (2004-2010) and Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas (1998-2002, 2004-present). Since 2019 he is the Scientific Operations Manager of Skinakas Observatory.

Interests :

Observational Galactic Astrophysics, with emphasis in X-ray Astronomy. He works mostly on the study of the variability timescales of accretion-powered pulsars through multi-wavelength observations, the spectral and temporal variability of black-hole binaries and the discovery of the optical counterparts to newly discovered Be/X-ray binaries.